A Testimonial

“I am so grateful to this program and it’s volunteers.  I just recently became an ICU parent who desperately needed support and the volunteer that delivered my NICU pack gave me just that.. Having someone that knew exactly how I was feeling and could relate made all the difference in the world. It gave me the courage I needed to push forward and be strong for my son. I’ll be forever grateful for her and wish to do the same for other moms that need the support as this truly is the most difficult thing a new mom can face.”

– Mother from Holtz Children’s Hospital

NICU Packs

ICU baby provides NICU Packs to each qualifying family in the NICUs of Baptist Health System’s South Miami Hospital and Holtz Children’s Hospital at UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. The Packs are carrying totes for trips back-and-forth from the family’s home to the NICU. They are filled with essential items that facilitate the family’s care of their baby while in the NICU.NICU Pack

Designed to provide parents with essential items they can use to help care for and bond with their baby. Items include:

  • Information Package
  • Personalized Message
  • Tote Bag
  • My NICU Baby Book (NEST Program Journal and Guidebook)
  • NICU Milestone Cards
  • Laundry Bag Set
  • Baby Blanket
  • CuddlePea Doll
  • Story Book
  • Breast Milk Cooler
  • Baby K’tan
  • Water Bottle
  • Baby Wipes
  • Hand Sanitizer

NICU Packs are delivered to families with a baby born under 32 weeks gestational age or a baby whose NICU stay will be longer than three weeks.

Support ICU baby & donate a NICU Pack to facilitate the family’s care of their baby while in the NICU.