ICU baby Launches Lunch & Learns

ICU baby is now hosting quarterly Lunch & Learns at three partner hospitals that use our NICU Empowerment Support Tools (NEST) program. Last fall, ICU baby expanded to Nicklaus Children’s … Read More

“There’s an APP for That!”

“There’s an APP for That”!

ICU baby is launching its own app for NICU families. Parents and caregivers will be able to get answers and find comfort 24/7. They’ll also have access to our NEST … Read More

NEST Debuts a New Video Series

NICU Empowerment Support Tools (NEST)

“I had no idea.” This is a common phrase our parent mentors hear when they meet NICU families for the first time. Unless they had a previous baby in the … Read More

Hatching NEST!

NEST (NICU Empowerment Support Tools)

The NEST is here! This Fall ICU baby was proud to launch its NICU Empowerment Support Tools, or NEST. Through this innovative program, ICU baby provides families with the informational … Read More